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Annual Reports
Acces all CETEM annual reports from 2012. In each report you can access a detailed list of activities and projects carried out within each of CETEM’s main areas and competences.

CETEM consolidated its position as the national epicentre in the generation of innovation for the habitat industry through a more than considerable increase in its activity. This growth was achieved by a highly qualified technical team of almost fifty excellent professionals which provided CETEM activity with a true differential value and who were responsible for making this year one of the best financial results in recent years.

Regarding the origin of the funds, the growth of 33% in 2017 in obtaining European competitive public funding confirms the good work done in the internationalisation of CETEM and highlights the productive activity over the last years. This has led CETEM to become an international model in those areas in which it is an expert, as well as a strategic partner for the entire network of its current international partners.

The strong strategic focus in growing internationally that started a few years ago is now paying off, as evidenced by the many international projects in collaboration with partners from almost all over the European Union. This is making CETEM known and recognised as a strategic partner by major companies and European research centres that aspire to have CETEM as an active member of the consortia for carrying out important R&D&i projects.

This growth, together with a very praiseworthy professional management, has been the driving force of the acknowledgement of CETEM as a national and international model in the areas in which it works and specially in areas involving new materials based on polyurethane, ambient intelligence, robotics and automatics, and advanced product engineering. Not for nothing collaborated CETEM with companies and organisations of 27 out of the 28 countries the European Union comprises during the already closed financial year 2015. This is a clear sign of the good results the internationalisation strategy, adopted by CETEM a few years ago, has brought.

Thus, we can foresee a very promising 2015 in which CETEM will remain spearheading nationally and internationally the R&D&i applied especially to small and medium-sized companies.